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Hello, I’m Antoinette


Speech Therapy & Educational counselling for multilingual families.

Lets find out how to reach a greater understanding within your family in both language and communication!

I am Antoinette, an experienced Speech Therapist and Educational Counsellor specialising in children’s therapy with a passion for multicultural stories. My work combines empathy and expertise using a holistic approach.

Contact me when you notice difficulties in your child’s speech and language development, have questions in your multilingual education or feel a disbalance in your family life and communication.

In beautiful Au am Muehlbach.


Lets find out how i can help you with a free 30-min Zoom call consultation!

„Families are like fudge – mostly sweet but with a few nuts“



We are trying our best to grow our children (8 &7) in a multi-cultural environment. We recently moved from Austria to Italy, and I recognized that as we introduced a new language (Italian) both children were starting to loose vocabulary and grammar in German. Luckily, we crossed path with Marie-Antoinette. She has both the education and experience with families similar to ours. At first, she asked several questions about the specific learning path of the children. This made me reflect and also feel that she was exactly the person I was looking for!

I have been impressed how quick Marie-Antoinette established a link of trust with the children.“

Mother of 2, 8&7, Turin

„Antoinette is a great professional speech therapist, she made the therapy in a trustful and funny environment for my children. They felt relaxed and comfortable. She committed to her work, sincere, honest and with a high level of empathy.“
Mother of  two, 7 and 5, Munich

„Dank Antoinette habe ich die mehrsprachige Erziehung aus einem neuen Blickwinkel entdeckt: dem meiner Kinder. Diese Einsicht und ihre praktischen Tips zur mehrsprachigen Erziehung haben bei uns zu überraschend schnellen Ergebnissen geführt. Meine Töchter zeigen nun großes Interesse an „Mamas“ Sprache und teilen stolz das neu Gelernte mit ihrer Umwelt.“ 

Mutter von 2 Töchtern, 2,5 & 4 J., Turin